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Illustration Data Table

The data table below provides suggestions of texts in the Rare Book Room that have been approved for use for illustration exercises, with call numbers and some notes for the pedagogical uses of these works.

The  exercise template link provides a template for developing illustration assignments.

The  catalogue link provides a summary of the data table, and the  gallery link provides images of the suggested texts on a single page.

If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you would like to add your assignment to our archive—please  contact us. Thank you!



Pedagogical Uses/Notes

Call #


Speed, John. 
The Historie of Great Britaine under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons,  Danes, and Normans. London, 1623


(1) family tree (including Cuthbert)


  • 17th-century visual culture
  • Illustration of royal family tree, as a means to depict and explain relationships


942 Sp 32 h

Rheede, Henrick.        Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. Amsterdam, 1678

  1. Coconuts
  2. coconuts

  3. Solitary Fishtail Palm
  4. fish-tail palm

  5. Papaya
  6. Rheede Papaya
  • 17th-century visual culture
  • The pedagogical purposes of illustration
  • Illustration and the visual appeal of the exotic
  • Illustration providing information regarding botany, details of plant life in different phases of growth, flowering
  • Illustration providing information regarding early exploration, especially of India, Burma (powers of observation, objects being sought, observed)
  • Text providing information regarding early medicine, search for cures


QK358 . R42

Diderot, Denis.  L’Encyclopedie; Recueil de Planches sur les Sciences. Les Arts Liberaux at les Arts Mechaniques, avec leur explication.
Paris, 1762 

  1. Plan for a Garden
  2. Diderot 1

  3. Silkworms and domestic harvesting of silk
  4.       silkworms

  5. Beehives and domestic harve sting of honey

  • 18th-century visual culture
  • The pedagogical uses of illustration (especially here, given the volume of plates is to complement the main text) – to teach garden design, silk and honey production
  • Illustration and aesthetics
  • Illustration of the process of commodity production (note modes, how temporal sequence is shown)

AE25 . E53

The Tyburn Chronicle, Or Villany Display’d (Vol. III), London, 1768



  1. Villains whipping a man to death
  2. Tyburne 1

  3. Villains breaking into the Custom House
  4. Tyburn 2
  • 18th-century visual culture
  • Illustration as ideology, in depictions of criminal behavior
  • Illustration as marketing, sensationalism

KD370 .79 v.3

Sonnerat, Pierre.          Voyages Aux Indes Orientales et la Chine . Paris, 1782

Danse des Bayaderes

Danse des Bayaderes

  • 18th-century visual culture
  • Illustration and the visual appeal of the exotic
  • Illustration and the images/expectations of the behavior of other peoples and cultures

DS506 .S7 1782 t.1

Boydell’s Graphic Illustrations of the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. London, 1804

Merry Wives of Windsor, Act II, Scene 1

Merry Wives
As You Like It, Act IV, Scene 3

As You Like It
Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene 5

12th Night
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3

Henry IV, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 4

Henry IV
Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 1

Julius Ceasar
Romeo and Juliet , Act I, Scene 5, and 
Act IV Scene 5 (two versions)

Romeo and Juliet 1

Romeo and Juliet 2

Romeo and Juliet 3
  • 19th-century visual culture
  • Illustration as interpretation of text
  • Choice of scenes –- what artists choose to depict, and why
  • Illustration as marketing of artists and of Shakespeare (note that this is a volume of engravings, taken from exhibits of paintings based on Shakespeare’s works.
  • Notes: the depiction of Rosalind and Viola cross dressed as men in  As You Like It and  Twelfth Night; of the three witches in  Macbeth; of Hal taking the crown in  Henry IV Part 2

Dayton Coll. 822.33 77B 693 g


The Northern Traveler. New York, 1828


(1) frontispiece of Catskills Falls

     Northern Traveller Frontespiece

  • 19th-century visual culture
  • Illustration as marketing
  • Representation of nature

F 106 .N6 1828

The Yellow Book

  1. The Mysterious Rose Garden
  2. The Yellow Book 1

  3. The Repentance of Mrs. ----
  4. Yellow Book 2

  5. Portrait of Miss Winifred Emery
  6. Yellow Book 3
  • Illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley
  • Function of illustrations in anthology

AP 4 .Y4

Wilde, Oscar. 

(1) frontispiece

Solome-3 Sirens

3 Sirens (frontis.)

Salome (1st) frontis and title

  • Compare two versions of the frontispiece and title, from the edition published by John Lane at Bodley Head, and the edition by Three Sirens Press, noting editing of the nudes
  • Censorship
  • Illustration and cultural expectations
  • Illustration and marketing, audience

Bacon Collection

Cabell, James Branch.  Gallantry: An Eighteenth Century Dizain in Ten Comedies, with an Afterpiece. 
New York , 1907

(1) Howard Pyle illustration: “The Bastille in not a healthy place”


  • Early 20th-century visual culture
  • Illustration as representation and interpretation of text
  • Relationship between graphic and title

PS 3505 .A153 G3 1907